CfP: Bucharest Graduate Conference in Early Modern Philosophy – 6th Edition

Bucharest Graduate Conference in Early Modern Philosophy – 6th Edition

31 March – 1st of April 2017

Keynote Speakers:
Sarah Hutton (University of York)
Dmitri Levitin (University of Oxford)
Scott Mandelbrote (University of Cambridge)
Tinca Prunea Bretonnet (IRH-ICUB)

Venue: IRH-ICUB & Faculty of Philosophy
The sixth edition of the Bucharest Graduate Conference in Early Modern Philosophy will take place at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, in 31 March and the 1st of April 2017. This edition is organized by the IRH-ICUB and the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest. Advanced MA and PhD student working in the field of Early Modern Philosophy are encouraged to participate.

We invite graduate students to submit abstracts on any topic related to Early Modern Philosophy to by January 10. The proposals should not exceed 500 words and should be prepared for blind review. Each presentation will be given 40 mins. The organizing committee will notify authors of its decision by January 20. Participation fee: 30 euro (to cover for the coffee breaks and lunches).

CfA: Science in the Scottish Enlightenment, March 10-12, 2017, Princeton University

The philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenment was marked by a distinctive ambition – to extend the observational methods of science to study of the human as well as the physical world. The pursuit of this ambition led to many innovative studies of mind and metaphysics, as well as morality, aesthetics and politics. It also led to an investigation of the methods themselves, and the conception of ‘science’ that underlay them. This conference aims to explore many of these important topics, both philosophically and historically. Submissions are invited on any aspect of this general theme. Abstracts of 300-500 words should be sent as email attachments to by Nov 1st, 2016, with author details in the accompanying email only. Decisions will be advised by early December. Registration will open in January 2017.

This conference is associated with research for the Scottish Philosphy in the 18th century Volume 2edited by James Harris (St Andrews University) and Aaron Garret (Boston University). This volume is part of the 5-volume, multi-authored History of Scottish Philosophy (General editor Gordon Graham) published by Oxford University Press. The first two volumes were published to coincide with the CSSP spring conference 2015, a volume devoted to Scottish philosophy in the 17th century is due to be published in 2017, and a fifth volume on Scottish philosophy in the Renaissance is currently under discussion. Further information on the series can be found here.

CfP: Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy VIII (SSEMP VIII)

10-11 April 2017
Edinburgh University

Key note speakers:
Beth Lord (University of Aberdeen)
Peter Millican (Oxford University)

The SSEMP VIII is the eight edition of a yearly event that brings together established scholars, young researchers and advanced graduate students working in the field of Early Modern Philosophy. The aim is to foster scholarly exchange among the different generations of academics in the UK and to strengthen international collaboration. We welcome abstracts on any topic in pre-Kantian early modern philosophy (broadly defined, ranging from late Renaissance philosophy to the Enlightenment.) We particularly encourage proposals that consider early modern philosophy in relation to other related disciplines, such as theology, intellectual history and/or the history of science. Presentations should be in English and approximately 30-35 minutes in reading length. We make an effort to assure a reasonable gender balance.

The SSEMP awards a Graduate Student Essay Prize which this year, like in previous years, is funded by the British Society for the History of Philosophy. The prize includes an invitation to present the essay at the SSEMP and a bursary of £200 towards travel and accommodation. The bursary cannot be used for any other purpose. Submissions to the essay competition should include: (1) Name, affiliation, name and email of supervisor, and personal contact information; (2) the complete essay (max. 6000 words, including notes). Everything should be gathered in a single pdf or word file. Deadline for submissions is 15 December 2016. They should be sent by email to Mogens Lærke on Those who wish to submit a proposal both as a complete text for the essay competition and as a short abstract for the regular program are free to do so.

Abstracts for the regular program (approx. 300 words, abstract and contact information in a single pdf or word file) should be sent by email to Mogens Lærke on Graduate students submitting to the regular program should include contact information for one referee (typically the supervisor.)

Deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 December 2016. Due to very high numbers of submissions we can no longer undertake to respond individually to all of them. Applicants who have not been contacted within one month by 15 January should consider their submission declined.

Please note that the SSEMP cannot provide funding for travel or accommodation for speakers.

Prof. Pauline Phemister (Edinburgh University)
Prof. Mogens Lærke (CNRS, IHRIM, ENS de Lyon)

CfP: Oxford Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, March 14, 2017

Deadline: December 1, 2016


The educational reforms of the early modern period had a substantial impact on philosophy, not only through the ways in which future philosophers were educated — for instance, Descartes’s education in the new Jesuit paradigm — but also in informing philosophical discussion about learning and education, including about just in what learning consists, who is capable of learning, the best methods of learning, educational institutions, tools for both theoretical and moral education, and other topics. This seminar aims to encourage discussions around this largely unexplored central philosophical theme of the period.

Abstracts for papers should be concerned with topics that are connected with the philosophical reflection on the nature of education or the relationship between philosophy and education (both broadly construed) in the early modern period (roughly 1600-1800).

The organizers are particularly interested to receive papers that focus upon thinkers and works that are less commonly discussed. However, we hope that those whose work is concerned with more canonical figures or works should not feel deterred from submitting.

Please send an abstract of approx. 2 sides double-spaced for a reading/presentation time of approx. 40 mins. Please send submissions, which should include name and contact details on a cover sheet only, to:

Call for Papers: Dutch Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy IV

Keynote speakers
Prof Jeffrey McDonough (Harvard University)
Dr Emily Thomas (University of Groningen / Durham University)

Call for papers
Please send the abstract of your proposed lecture (on any topic relevant to early modern philosophy) to Dr Andrea Sangiacomo by October 15, 2016. The abstract must be no longer than 500 words, anonymized for the sake of blind reviewing and sent as a .docx file (please do not use pdf format). The author’s name and contact information (name, affiliation, email and professional status – doctoral student; postdoc; lecturer; etc.) should also be specified in your e-mail message.

The abstracts will be peer-reviewed and you will be notified of the outcome of the review by December 20. We will do our best to send the reviewers’ reports to all participants in order to provide useful feedback on the abstracts.

There are no registration fees. Attendance is free and all listeners are welcome. No financial help, however, can be provided to support travel expenses and accommodation.

Andrea Sangiacomo (

Further Info here

Call for Papers: Diametros – Enlightenment and Secularism

Call for Papers:

The Polish online journal Diametros invites submissions for a special issue on “Enlightenment and Secularism”.

Deadline: 1st February 2017.

Further info:

*Diametros – An Online Journal of Philosophy* invites contributions to a
special issue dedicated to the topic *‘Enlightenment and Secularism’*.
Authors are encouraged to address the question to what extent the
Enlightenment critiques and new conceptions of religion, the role of
religion in individuals’ moral lives and in the development of communities,
as well as its relations to the state and presence in the public sphere,
have shaped the modern secular age. Does secularism, understood both as a
political regime and as a cultural tendency in contemporary societies,
originate in the (predominantly) European Age of Reason, or in other
intellectual traditions and historical developments of Europe, or can its
roots be (also) traced back to non-European cultures? What are the ways of
protecting values like the freedom of conscience, on the one hand, and the
freedom of speech, on the other, in contemporary secular regimes (*e.g.*
the Lockean *vs*. the accommodationist approach)? Do they have a potential
to avert or to fuel worldwide conflicts motivated by religious creeds and
commitments? Articles related to these and similar topics should be
submitted through the online platform of the journal *no later than by the
1st of February 2017*. All papers will receive a double-blind peer review.

Via Philos-L mailing list.

CfP: History of Economics Society, June 17-20, Duke University

Call for Papers: 2016 HES Conference, June 17–20, Duke University

The Annual History of Economics Society Conference for 2016 will be held at Duke University (Durham, NC) from June 17 to June 20. Papers dealing with any aspect of the history of economic thought are welcome, including work related to any period or any school of economic thought. Also welcome are papers that situate economics in wider intellectual and cultural contexts or relate it to other disciplines, and work related to the history of closely cognate disciplines.

Although we welcome proposals for individual papers, proposals for complete sessions are especially encouraged. Questions about proposals should be directed to the conference organizer, Mauro Boianovsky.

To propose a paper or a session: Click here to propose a paper, a session or roundtable, or to submit an abstract for a paper that is part of a proposed session. You will be taken to a form designed and hosted by Conference Services at Duke University. If you propose a session, you will be asked to submit an abstract only for the session itself and to list the members of the session. Once you have submitted an abstract for a session, please then ask each member of the session to submit an abstract of his or her paper and to indicate (1) that it is part of a session and (2) the name of the session. The deadline for submitting paper or session proposals is March 1, 2016. [Note: If you receive the error message “This page cannot be displayed,” you must update or change the browser you are currently using. Due to security reasons, out-of-date browsers will not be able to communicate with our registration software.]

Young Scholars: 

The HES provides special support for up to ten Warren J. and Sylvia J. Samuels Young Scholars to present papers at the conference, in the form of free registration, banquet and reception tickets, and a year’s membership in the society. Five of the Young Scholars awardees will also receive a grant of $500 to cover travel and accommodation costs. If you wish to have your paper considered for the Young Scholars program, please provide details of the date of your last degree (or your current graduate student status) when submitting your paper proposal and indicate that you wish to be considered for the Samuels Young Scholars program. A Young Scholar must currently be a PhD candidate, or have been awarded a PhD in the two years preceding the conference. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2016.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference. For more information on the conference, including transportation, accommodations, plenary speakers, registration and the Economists’ Papers Project, please visit the conference website.

CfP: Rethinking Europe in Intellectual History

Where: Rethymnon Campus, University of Crete

When: 3-5 May 2016

Deadline: 15 January 2016

Keynote speakers: David Armitage (Harvard) and Etienne Balibar (Paris-Ouest Nanterre/Kingston University)


In recent debates regarding the status of intellectual history, the emergence of new academic objects such as global justice and sub-disciplines like global intellectual history, are symptoms of post-cosmopolitan, global sensibilities. By the same token important questions are raised regarding the emergence of systemic inequalities, cultural hegemonies and, more broadly, about unprecedented forms of post-colonial mentality within the globalized world. In this context, Europe’s status seems problematic. Decadence or mutation, the transfer of economic power outside Europe, the erosion of the middle classes and the status of European citizenship are emblematic issues in academia and the public sphere. Yet there is consensus around the unprecedented changes regarding Europe’s status in the world. Rethinking Europe’s identity(ies) and re-writing its history seem to be urgent issues in light of the Eurozone’s current crisis.

Call for Papers: 

Can we consider European studies a proper object of intellectual history? Is intellectual history a part of Europe’s foundational myths? What is the impact of European ideals and values in the mutations of global capitalism? Should we rethink Europe’s role in the history of global capitalism? Should we rethink the status of such traditions through the lens of intellectual history? Is the canonical conception of cultural, socio-economic or ethnic frontiers still valid today? Are we focusing closely enough on conceptions of cultural, socio-economic or political alterity within European studies? Is there enough research on infra-legal practices, such as manners or customs, in the shaping of Europe’s identities? To what extent is the emergence and subsequent erosion of Europe’s middle classes an object of intellectual history? Are there still understudied republican traditions in Europe? And, lastly, what is the status of ethnic enlightenments within European Enlightenment? “Rethinking Europe in Intellectual History” proposes to investigate the historical, contextual, and methodological issues that an intellectual history of Europe should raise, and to question the extent to which, as intellectual historians, our multiple perspectives can cohere in such a way as to enable us to address the problems now facing Europe and the world.

The range of potential subjects of investigation is extremely broad, and may include, but is not limited to:

  • European Enlightenment(s)?;
  • “Radical” and “pragmatic” Enlightenments;
  • Enlightenment legacies in Europe;
  • Classical and early modern republicanism in Europe;
  • The status of intellectual biographies;
  • Internal divisions of Europe: from North/South to East/West (and back);
  • Does Europe have a center?
  • EurAmerica: are Europe and America distinct entities?;
  • The European heritage and the challenge of global intellectual history;
  • Cross-cultural encounters between Europe and non-European societies;
  • Perceptions of Europe;
  • Russia and Europe
  • Empire and the attempts to extend European civilisation globally
  • The reception of the European legacy(ies) outside of Europe;
  • Islam, Judaism, and the formation of a European identity;
  • European centers and peripheries.

The first and principal form of contributions will be brief papers relating to the theme of “Rethinking Europe in Intellectual History” at large. Papers can concentrate on any period, region, tradition or discipline, including the arts, humanities, sciences, and various forms of professional learning. In addition to individual papers, we welcome proposals for panels of up to three papers and a commentator. Individual papers will be twenty minutes long, followed by ten minutes of discussion.



CFP Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science

Deadlina: September 10th

When: November 6-7, 2015
Where: Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Bucharest & The Center for the Logic, History and Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest

Invited speakers:
Daniel Garber (Princeton University)
Paul Lodge (University of Oxford)
Arianna Borrelli (Technical University, Berlin)

We invite papers by established and young scholars (including doctoral students) on any aspects of early modern philosophy/early modern science. Abstracts no longer than 500 words, to be sent to Doina-Cristina Rusu ( ) by September 10. Authors will be notified by September 15.

Contacts: Dana Jalobeanu (dana.jalobeanu (at) and Doina-Cristina Rusu (dc.rusu(at) ).